To wit: As part of our excursion to the overseas ecovillage on our itinerary, my partner and I each plan to partake of different courses that are taught as part of the rotating curriculum offered there. I will be doing a week-long intensive introduction to the place, including lots of inner work/transformational mojo. Jenn will stay on for a whole month and complete her Permaculture Design Certificate as well as training in other aspects of ecovillage life.
We each had applications to fill out for our respective programs, and I sent mine in by email about two days before she sent hers. Somehow I remember reading that I would get notification of acceptance within 48 hours, so on the day she sent hers in I was holding the quiet hope that I would hear soon- maybe even that same day. It WAS a weekend day, so I held space for the fact that maybe it would be 48 work-week hours. Still, I checked my email about every 4 hours, even at work (this is normal for some people, I realize- but for me once a day is usually it, sometimes not even that). Yesterday was an exceptionally long day. I worked early and hard all day long, came home to shower and change clothes, then do a presentation on essential oils in my living room. These are always enlivening and fun- I get to slather on calming oils while I help others learn to support their own health... at any rate I am always starving when we’re done, so as soon as it was done we bolted out the door for the neighborhood taco joint (yeah, I know they don’t have those in ecovillages. There will be plenty of time dedicated to wrapping my head around that!).
An hour and a half later, sated and sleepy, I started getting ready for bed. I was brushing my teeth when Jenn popped her head in and said, “Oh, by the way, I heard back on my application. They said which building to go to to pick up the registration packet, where to go for meals...” Her words kept going because it took her a while to catch up with what was going on. That wasn’t a smile on my face, it was a holding-back-the-tears grimace. Oh yes, it had been a long day, and the strain of waiting to hear back on my application was beginning to wear on me. It had been six days, after all... not two, or even four (considering the first two were weekend).
Let me be clear that there is no question for me about whether I’ll be accepted. I have not experienced any anxiety about whether I will “get in”. I’m very well suited for the course, there are openings, and I’ve paid my deposit. No questions lingering here. What it is, is that I’ve been looking forward to the rush you get when some new dream suddenly begins to move forward of its own volition, as if the “powers that be” are in alignment and your life’s new direction is being forged. It’s the little zing that makes you suck in your breath for a second, the “Here goes!” moment. As eager as I am for the commencement of the adventure, I have total certainty that it is coming to pass. So I knew I wasn’t falling apart because I thought anything was wrong.
From deep inside I could see that it has to do with taking that brave and irrevocable step of agreeing to undergo transformation. It’s nothing to do with whether I’ll get in, and everything to do with what will happen to me once I’m in there. The ego (and understand when I talk about the ego I do so from the Eastern Philosophy standpoint rather than Western Psychology - so, ego is not about self-aggrandizement, it’s about keeping you small and separate and insecure and uncertain of everything except your own unworthiness - - THAT ego is the one I talk about), is mortified at the prospect of me delving in deep again. It’s going to be threatened, and I will know it because I will be uncomfortable. I will have moments when I think I am not good enough, that I can’t transform fast enough (or authentically enough, or radically enough, or....). I will doubt myself and my commitment, I will fantasize about neighborhood taco stands, I will wonder how on earth I will sustain this experience and whether all these wonderful people think I am a fraud. I will probably also wonder who among them are frauds, or worse- I may presume to know. This is what happens when you purposely choose to move beyond your present set of limitations. Your spirituo-emotional uglies start to show up. Any old #215800-ers still out there? Know what I mean? And so, with all the bravery and compassion you can muster, you welcome the little darlings.
This tender young sproutling of transformative motion is what unveiled itself last night as I sat sobbing on the edge of the tub. Since I am a staunch defender of the notion that you create what you focus on, Jenn was understandably concerned to know whether I was painting awful pictures inside this skull of mine as I mopped up my face. I smiled at her. “No, not at all. Just a case of ‘back to school’ nerves”.
This morning I returned to the email I’d received to acknowledge receipt of my application, to see how long it had actually been. Late, late tonight it will have been seven days since I hit “send”. I’ve had a good laugh. Here are the words I somehow missed the first time around:
“We will contact you personally within about a week”.
Ahhh, so it’s begun...